SA Series Capacitance Level Switch

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Features SA Series Capacitance Level Switch

As Capacitance Level Switch has no moving parts inside the device, it will not be affected by friction. It is suitable for powder or liquid application easy to install. The customer can choose the types for his requirements.

1. Standard Type (SA110 & SA111)
Suitable for general use.
2. Hi-Temp Type (SA120 & SA128)
Suitable for high temperature environment.
3. Anti-Corrosion Type (SA130 & SA132)
Suitable for corrosive environment.
4. Remote Probe Type (SA140)
For use with vibrator equipped with tank.
5. Wire-Probe Type (SA150)
Suitable for silo or large-size tank.
6. Plate-Probe Type (SA160)
Suitable for granules and at lower position of tank side.
7. Explosion-Proof Type (SA270 ~ SA279)
Ex dia II C T4~T6, DIP A21 TA,T3~T6
8. Explosion-Proof Type (SA370 ~ SA378)
Ex ia IIC T3~T6
Equipped with SA-75U signal conditioner can be used in hazardous areas.
9. Anti-Static Type (SA180 & SA181)
Suitable for electrostatic environment (It won’t be damaged by the electrostatic discharge)

Read More: Solid Level Switch

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