Fiilter drain Jorc Model MAGY 3904

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Features Fiilter drain Jorc Model MAGY 3904

– The MAG-11 is the optimum choice in energy saving condensate drains. Unlike timed or electronic drains which require electricity to operate, the MAG-11 operates using a magnetic level sensor providing energy saving zero air loss operation without the need for a power source.
– Perfectly suited for coolers, refrigerated dryers, liquid separators and piston compressors, the MAG-11 uses a 2/2 way level controlled magnetic actuator which opens and closes a direct cylinder valve, discharging the condensate from your compressed air system without losing any of your valuable compressed air.
– The MAG-11 meets the demands of virtually any application regardless of the condensate flow. It fits any compressed air filter regardless of size without any set up or adjustment.

Specification Fiilter drain Jorc Model MAGY 3904

  • Maximum drainage capacity: 52 gallon per hour
  • Inlet connection: 1/2” NPT
  • Outlet connection: 1/8”
  • Minimum system pressure: 0 bar
  • Maximum system pressure: 230 PSI
  • Minimum medium temperature: 34 °F
  • Maximum medium temperature: 122 °F
  • Valve orifice: 2.0 mm
  • Type of operating valve: Stainless steel direct acting valve assembly
  • Valve seals: FPM
  • Housing material: Corrosion resistant Aluminium (EP coated)

Read more: Automatic Level Sensed Drains

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